
“Loneliness is about the scariest thing there is.”

Feeling lonely..
Feeling empty inside of me..
Is there anyone out there that really care about me?
I'm confuse...
Too much thought going around inside of mah brain.

I wish there's someone out there who actually can cure the loneliness that I feel.
Anyone would do.
Who would be there for me.
No matter what.
And not regret having someone like me.

Is there really anyone out there capable to do that?
I really hope someone can.
Emm entah lah...
Banyak sgt kot bnda yg ez asyik fikir lately nie..
 Biasa lah dah tua kn...(peh semua orang panggil aku orang tua!)
Well I guess loneliness is just of the feeling a normal person would feel.
I guess I'm one of them (OMG I'M NORMAL!)

“Language... has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone."

Waa lately nie dah jadik emo lah plk..
haha..apa lah dah jadik dgn ez nie =p
What've gotten into me?

Post pun merepek meraban jew skrg nie..ngee~
Nk buat cmne kn..
seperti yang budak2 asyik pggl ez :
"Sama suruh muka ko mcm babyface, tapi fikiran mengalahkn orang tua! mmg ptt lah kitaowg pggl ko orang tua!"
Uwaa sedih nya~

“Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.”


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